Crankshaft Grinding Machine CGX360-3500

The CGX model is an entry level crankshaft grinding machine suitable for rebuilding of crankshafts or for low productivity manufacturing.
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Product Information
The machine is equipped with PLC control system. X and Z axes are moved by ballscrews on guideways and controlled by linear encoder. The lubricant system is centralized and there is automatic dressing cycle with automatic positioning of the grinding wheel. Complete with a fully automatic balancing system and vibration detector for best cutting condition of the grinding wheel. 3D Touch probe fixed on grinding wheel‐head permit the longitudinal setup of the workpiece and the position of grinding wheel.
The Z axes travels 3,700 mm and the X axes travels 480 mm. The grinding wheel diameter is 915 mm
Linear encoder forX-Z axis and digital readout XYZ
Wheel side tapering dresser
Hydraulic wheel dresser
Set of auxiliary counterweights
Narrow steady rest dia 20-200 mm
Standard steady rest dia 30-200 mm
Standard Tooling
Part # Description
830008 Coolant additive
810418 Coolant nozzle .71″
818182 Crankshaft centering fixture
810293 Dial indicator
810292 Spindle assembly, quick check
818285 Crankshaft journal checking square
815283 Dressing stick
128199-1 Grinding wheel 36″x8″x1″
818291 Infeed check pin
810667 Self centering chuck ” (2) (OEM)
818292 Service tools
818185 Steadyrest, standard dial-o-matic
818287 Steadyrest narrow dial-o-matic
810299 Stroke setting measuring device w/indicator
812112 Dial indicator
121252 Way lubricant (1 Gal.)
810401 Wheel balancing arbor
810460 Wheel center
818289 Wheel face, side & radius dresser
817009 Radius dressing diamond
812523 Face & side dressing diamond
810395 Wheel hub puller
810392 Wheel spindle oil (1 Gal.)
818290 Air index pin assembly