Crankshaft Grinding Machine CGX270-600

The CGX model is an entry level crankshaft grinding machine suitable for rebuilding of crankshafts or for low productivity manufacturing. The machine is equipped with PLC control system. X and Z axes are moved by ballscrews on guideways and controlled by linear encoder. The lubricant system is centralized and there is automatic dressing cycle with automatic positioning of the grinding wheel. Complete with a fully automatic balancing system and vibration detector for best cutting condition of the grinding wheel. 3D Touch probe fixed on grinding wheel‐head permit the longitudinal setup of the workpiece and the position of grinding wheel.
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Product Information
Four indexing locations on the head stock with the air operated index pins make it faster to dial in the crankshaft properly. Easily adjusted outboard counterweights never need to be supplemented by inboard weights.
The Z axes travels 1,700 mm and the X axes travels 305 mm. The grinding wheel diameter is 710 mm.